Jack Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Does anyone know of any 'standard' [*] ways of encrypting private keys in the
>usual PKCS #8 format without using password-based encryption? It is obviously
>not hard to do, as you can stick whatever you like into the
>encryptionAlgorithm field, so it would be easy to specify an plain encryption
>algorithm OID (aes256-cbc, or whatever) plus an IV (and possibly a key check
>value and/or some optional key label fields). I'm sure this is not the first
>time someone has needed such a thing - any references would be useful.
>[*]: Standard in this case being "at least one implementation/spec has it, and
>(preferably) it is reasonably secure/sane"

If you're using PKCS #8 then you'd want to use PKCS #15 with CMS password-
based encryption, which, although it's called "password-based encryption", is
as you've pointed out a general-purpose mechanism that can be used to wrap
data using a key from any source, not just a PKCS #5 password.

(PKCS #15 is the logical successor to PKCS #8).


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