Dave Howe wrote:

Hmm. can you selectively blank areas of CD-RW?

Sure, you can.  It isn't soooo much different from rewriting any
other type of disk.

There are various versions of getting rid of a disk file.
 1) Deletion:  Throwing away the pointer and putting the blocks back
  on the free list.  This is well known to be grossly insecure.
 2) Zeroizing the blocks in place (followed by deletion).  This
  is vastly better, but still not entirely secure, because there
  are typically stray remnants of the pattern sitting "beside"
  the nominal track, and a sufficiently-determined adversary
  may be able to recover them.
 3) Trashing the blocks, i.e. overwriting them in place with
  crypto-grade random numbers (followed by optional zeroizing,
  followed by deletion).  This makes it harder for anyone to
  recover strays.
 4) Half-track trashing.  This requires wizardly disk hardware,
  which shifts the head half a track either side of nominal,
  and *then* writes random numbers.  I might be persuaded that
  this really gets rid of strays.
 5) Grinding the disk to dust.  AFAIK this is the only NSA-approved
  method.  A suitable grinder costs about $1400.00.

  One drawback with this is that you have to destroy a whole
  disk at a time.  That's a problem, because if you have a
  whole disk full of daily keys, you want to destroy each
  day's key as soon as you are through using it.  There
  are ways around this, such as reading the disk into volatile
  RAM and then grinding the disk ... then you just have to make
  sure the RAM is neither more volatile nor less volatile than
  you wanted it to be.  That is, you use the disk for *distribution*
  but not necessarily for intermediate-term storage.

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