On Fri, Jan 26, 2007 at 05:58:16PM -0500, Matt Blaze wrote:
* It occurs to me that the lack of secure, practical crypto primitives and
* protocols that are intuitively clear to ordinary people may be why
* cryptography has had so little impact on an even more important problem
* than psychic debunking, namely electronic voting. I think "intuitive
* cryptography" is a very important open problem for our field.

I can bring you my personal experience on this. I have been working for 
the last 2 years on a project about web-voting 
(http://eballot.ucci.it/), the system is now up and running and one 
election has been already done with it. I tried the best I could to make 
it simple and understandable, but people reactions have been worse than 
what I expected. Even if I tried to explain how the system works, how is 
the protocol, where cryptography enters etc.etc., I received comments 

- please remove all these comments about digital certificates etc., just 
write in the first page "protected by 128bit SSL" as everybody else does

- there are too many pages, can't you give in the first page the form to 
vote and ask the credentials for voting, and a second page of 
acknowledgment that the vote has been received?

- this receipt stuff and checking the votes are dangerous, please give 
only the totals at the end and no receipts

and so on (I spare you the 'graphical design is lousy', which it is, and 

After having talked with some people, my feeling is that the averge guy 
feels more confident to vote in a web-site "protected by 128bit SSL", 
a lot of logos, javascripts, moving objects etc. (the more stuff there 
is on the web site, the more impressive are the guys who made it) and a 
big database (better if Oracle) to store your votes. Unfortunately the 
voting experience on my system is exactly the opposite :-(


PS. any comment on my protocol/system is greatly appreciated.

Andrea Pasquinucci                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key: http://www.ucci.it/ucci_pub_key.asc
fingerprint = 569B 37F6 45A4 1A17 E06F  CCBB CB51 2983 6494 0DA2

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