At 03:52 PM 5/2/2007, Ian G wrote:
Hal Finney wrote:
Perry Metzger writes:
Once the release window has passed,
the attacker will use the compromise aggressively and the authority
will then blacklist the compromised player, which essentially starts
the game over. The studio collects revenue during the release window,
and sometimes beyond the release window when the attacker gets unlucky
and takes a long time to find another compromise."

This seems to assume that when a crack is announced, all revenue stops. This would appear to be false. When cracks are announced in such systems, normally revenues aren't strongly effected. C.f. DVDs.

Agreed. But there is an incremental effect. In the same way many people now copy DVDs they have rented many will gain access to HD content made available by those more technically sophisticated. There a number of Bit Torrent trackers which focus on HD content. All current released HD-DVD/BluRay movies are available for download. For those with higher-performance PCs for playback, broadband connections and who know how to burn a single- or dual layer DVD, the content is there for the talking.

A new generation of HD media players (initially from offshore consumer electronics and networking companies, for example, Cisco/LinkSys) are poised to enter the market. These appliances will allow playback of all the common HD encoded media, including those ripped from the commercial HD discs. This will place the content from pirates and P2P community in the hands of the less sophisticated Home Theater consumer.

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