Crossroads is an undergraduate journal.

We'd do well to single out more worth targets for public ridicule than CS undergrads.

If you want to help the author, why not educate, rather than mocking? He's obviously been motivated to think about the subject matter and to even take the bold step up publishing something.

If you must scold, aim at the advisor, then. But I don't see much to be gained by scolding in this case. Pick someone who's asking for it - the vendors of all the products that don't do what their buyers hope and wish they would do...

On Aug 31, 2007, at 11:35 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:


So, when you find a particularly obnoxious dilettante going on about
his bone-headed unbreakable scheme, please forward it to me and I'll
see about breaking it, and then publish the schemes and the results on
a web site for publicly "educating" them.  Honestly, there's probably
no better way to educate people than to see schemes submitted and
broken, and I'm not sure there's a good site for it, although there
are plenty of books.  Unfortunately, these types won't be bothered to
buy books since they already know everything.

Here's a particularly moronic scheme:
"If a person keeps faithfully busy each hour of the working day, he
 can count on waking up some morning to find himself one of the
 competent ones of his generation."
--William James

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