At 11:23 PM 8/30/2007, Peter Gutmann wrote:
This may be the first time that a top 10 supercomputer has been controlled not
by a government or megacorporation but by criminals.  The question remains,
now that they have the world's most powerful supercomputer system at their
disposal, what are they going to do with it?  And I wonder what the LINPACK
rating for Storm is?

There have been a number of half-years that [EMAIL PROTECTED] was faster than
the top machines in the top500 list (counting by bogomips, not real LINPAK),
and most of the times I've checked, it's been at least in the top 10.

Some of the stats can be found at and
(though good [EMAIL PROTECTED] stats have been harder to get in recent years,
partly for organizational or presentational reasons,
and partly because it's spun off a bunch of other mass-computing programs.)

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