| The world's most secure USB Flash Drive: <https://www.ironkey.com/demo>.
What makes you call it snake oil?  At least the URL you point to says
very reasonable things:  It uses AES, not some home-brew encryption; the
keys are stored internally; the case is physically protected, and has
some kind of tampering sensor that wipes the stored keys when attacked.
In fact, they make some of the same points:

        Your IronKey is literally packed with the latest and most
        secure encryption technologies, all enabled by the powerful
        onboard Cryptochip. Rather than employing "homegrown"
        cryptographic algorithms that have not undergone rigorous
        cryptoanalysis, IronKey follows industry best practices and
        uses only well-established and thoroughly tested
        cryptographic algorithms.
        All of your data on the IronKey drive is encrypted in
        hardware using AES CBC-mode encryption.
           1. Encryption Keys
           2. Always-On Encryption
           3. Two-Factor Authentication
        Encryption Keys
        The encryption keys used to protect your data are generated
        in hardware by a FIPS 140-2 compliant True Random Number
        Generator on the IronKey Cryptochip.  This ensures maximum
        protection via the encryption ciphers. The keys are
        generated in the Cryptochip when you initialize your
        IronKey, and they never leave the secure hardware to be
        placed in flash memory or on your computer.

        Always-On Encryption

        Because your IronKey implements data encryption in the
        hardware Cryptochip, all data written to your drive is
        always encrypted. There is no way to accidentally turn it
        off or for malware or criminals to disable it. Also, it runs
        many times faster than software encryption, especially when
        storing large files or using the on-board portable Firefox

        Two-Factor Authentication

        Beyond simply protecting the privacy of your data on the
        IronKey flash drive, the IronKey Cryptochip incorporates
        advanced Public Key Cryptography ciphers that allow you to
        lock down your online IronKey account. That way you must
        have your IronKey device, in addition to your password, to
        access your online account. This highly complex process runs
        behind the scenes, giving you state-of-the-art protection
        from phishers, hackers and other online threats.

The management team lists some people who should know what they are
doing.  They have a FAQ which gives a fair amount of detail about
what they do.

I have nothing at all to do with this company - this is the first I've
heard of them - but it's hardly advancing the state of security if
even those who seem to be trying to do the right thing get tarred as
delivering snake-oil.

If you know something beyond the publicly-available information about
the company, let's hear it.  Otherwise, you owe them an apology -
whether they actually do live up to their own web site or not.

                                                        -- Jerry

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