Retail group takes a swipe at PCI, puts card companies 'on notice'
Jaikumar Vijayan

October 04, 2007 (Computerworld) Simmering discontent within the retail
industry over the payment card industry (PCI) data security standards
erupted into the open this week with the National Retail Federation
(NRF) asking credit card companies to stop forcing retailers to store
payment card data.

In a tersely worded letter to the PCI Security Standards Council, which
oversees implementation of the standard, NRF CIO David Hogan asked
credit card companies to stop making retailers "jump through hoops to
create an impenetrable fortress" to protect card data. Instead,
"retailers want to eliminate the incentive for hackers to break into
their systems in the first place."

"With this letter, we are officially putting the credit card industry on
notice," Hogan said in a statement. The NRF, a trade association whose
membership includes most of the major retailers in the U.S., is the
national voice for about 1.4 million U.S retail establishments.

In an interview with Computerworld this morning, Hogan said the letter
was provoked by a "lot of frustration" in the industry about PCI
guidelines and the deadlines associated with implementing them. If the
goal of PCI is to protect credit card data, the easiest and most common
sense approach is to stop requiring merchants to store the data in the
first place, he said.

PCI is a data security standard mandated by Visa International Inc.,
MasterCard International Inc., American Express Co., Discover and the
Japan Credit Bureau. It requires companies to implement a set of
prescribed security controls for protecting cardholder data. Though the
requirements went into affect more than two years ago, a large number of
big retailers are still noncompliant because of a variety of issues that
include legacy system challenges, rules interpretation issues and
continuously evolving guidelines.

According to Hogan, credit card companies require retailers and others
accepting payment card transactions to store certain card data sometimes
for up to 18 months so that it can be retrieved in the event of
chargebacks and other disputes.

But rather than have thousands of retailers store the data, credit card
companies and their banks should do so, Hogan said. Retailers only need
an authorization code provided at the time of a sale to validate a
charge, and a receipt with truncated credit card information to handle
returns and refunds. If that were done, he said, most retailers probably
wouldn't store any cardholder data.

According to Hogan, under the current process, credit card companies and
their banks already have the information needed for retrieval purposes
and it should be their responsibility to store and protect the data. "It
is a very fundamental shift. But if you think about it, it is a very
common-sense approach."

PCI mandates are challenging retailers to build fortresses around credit
card data, he said. "We build these higher walls and the hackers bring
in taller ladders and this kind of keeps scaling up all the time."

Gartner Inc. analyst Avivah Litan said that the NRF letter makes a
"sound argument.

"It's totally reasonable to tell the banking system and payment system
that 'we don't want to store this data anymore,'" she said. "If they
aren't storing this data, many of these [PCI] requirements go away and
the scope of the compliance effort is much more restricted.

In an e-mailed comment, Bob Russo, general manager of the PCI security
standards council, said the body received the NRF letter yesterday and
will respond after reviewing it further. "However, it must be recognized
that the payment brands -- and not the Council -- operate the systems
underlying the payments process, as well as the compliance
programs. Because of this, Mr. Hogan should be directing his concerns to
those individual brands."

Jon Hurst, president of the Retailers Association of Massachusetts,
backed the NRF's position. With all of the attention paid to PCI, what's
gone unnoticed is the fact that card companies themselves require
certain amounts of data to be stored because of disputed transactions,
he said. If not for that requirement, many retailers -- especially the
large ones -- would probably not keep data and therefore wouldn't be
pressed to secure it, he said.

Prat Moghe, founder and CTO of Tizor Systems Inc., a Maynard,
Mass.-based security firm, called the NRF's demand political posturing
and said it would do little to improve retail security anytime soon.

"I think a lot of this is about moving culpability back to the credit
card companies and saying don't make this my problem alone," Moghe
said. "They seem to have realized that going on the defense as an
industry doesn't help. There is just more and more they have to do." By
speaking out aggressively at a time when retail industry information
security practices are under scrutiny by consumers and lawmakers, the
NRF is hoping to spread the liability for card data protection, he said.

Even if the NRF's demands were immediately met, it would take several
years before retailers could purge their systems and applications of
credit card data, he said. Over the years, retailers have collected and
stored credit card data in myriad systems and places -- including
relatively old legacy environments -- and they are just now realizing
the data can be a challenge, he said. Purging it can be a bigger
headache because the data is often inextricably linked to and used by a
variety of customer and marketing applications; simply removing it could
cause huge disruptions.

"We are not talking about one isolated system that stores all this
data," he said.

Until retailers can get rid of the data, they will need to continue to
implement PCI controls, whether they like it or not, Moghe said.

Under PCI, credit card companies have also already been pushing
retailers to purge their systems of some customer data, including the
card verification codes and PIN block data that is stored on magnetic
stripes on the back of payment cards.

According to Gartner Inc., Visa last year levied more than $4.5 million
in PCI noncompliance-related fines. At least some of that was aimed at
companies that were storing prohibited card data on their systems.

The NRF letter comes just days after the passage of a major Sept. 30 PCI
deadline after which merchants face fines ranging from $5,000 to $25,000
for noncompliance. Up to now, most of the fines levied have been on
breached entities or on companies that kept prohibited card data.

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