On May 6, 2008, at 1:14 AM, James A. Donald wrote:

Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> What you can't do, full stop, is
> know that there are no unexpected security related behaviors in the
> hardware or software. That's just not possible.

Ben Laurie wrote:
Rice's theorem says you can't _always_ solve this problem. It says nothing about figuring out special cases.

True, but the propensity of large teams of experts to issue horribly flawed protocols, and for the flaws in those protocols to go undiscovered for many years, despite the fact that once discovered they look glaringly obvious in retrospect, indicates that this problem, though not provably always hard, is in practice quite hard.

Yes, but.

I tend to agree with Marcos, Ben, and others.

It is certainly true that detecting an evil actor is ultimately impossible because it's equivalent to a non-computable function. It doesn't matter whether that actor is a virus, an evil vm, evil hardware, or whatever.

That doesn't mean that you can't be successful at virus scanning or other forms of evil detection. People do that all the time.

Ben perhaps over-simplified by noting that a single gate isn't applicable to Rice's Theorem, but he pointed the way out. The way out is that you simply declare that if a problem doesn't halt before time T, or can't find a decision before T, you make an arbitrary decision. If you're optimistic, you just decide it's good. If you're pessimistic, you decide it's bad. You can even flip a coin.

These correspond to the adage I last heard from Dan Geer that you can make a secure system either by making it so simple you know it's secure, or so complex that no one can find an exploit.

So it is perfectly reasonable to turn a smart analyzer like Marcos on a system, and check in with him a week later. If he says, "Man, this thing is so hairy that I can't figure out which end us up," then perhaps it is a reasonable decision to just assume it's flawed. Perhaps you give him more time, but by observing the lack of a halt or the lack of a decision, you know something, and that feeds into your pessimism or optimism. Those are policies driven by the data. You just have to decide that no data is data.

The history of secure systems has plenty of examples of things that were so secure they were not useful, or so useful they were not secure. You can, for example, create a policy system that is not Turing-complete, and then on to being decideably secure. The problem is that people will want to do cool things with your system than it supports, so they will extend it. It's possible they'll extend it so it is more-or-less secure, but usable. It's likely they'll make it insecure, and decideably so.



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