>An object lesson in this just fell in my lap -- I just got my first
>email from a spammer that links to a web site that uses such a cert,
>certified by a CA I've never heard of ("Starfield Technologies, Inc.")

Oh, you've heard of them, just not under that name.  It's GoDaddy.

The green bar certs cost $500 for one year, $800 for two years, which
make them way more expensive than the $25 normal ones, but still
impressively cheap considering the claims made for them.

>To be really sure, we'll make them fax said document in on genuine
>company letterhead, since no one can forge letterhead.

Now, now, their verification process apparently involves checking that
the name of the organization you provide exists in the relevant
business registry, so when you're picking a fake name, be sure to do a
few wildcard lookups at the NYS DOS web site first.  They say their
process is so stringent it can take as long as FOUR HOURS to issue
your cert.  Wow!

You know, when I got my first ordinary SSL cert, it cost about $200
and I had to mail all sorts of paper documentation to Thawte in North
Carolina.  Does anyone know when issuers stopped bothering to verify


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