Apparently credit card institutions don't want Mythbusters near their
RFID technology.

Transcribed from <>:

  Were going to do RFID on several levels, you know how hackable, how
reliable, how
  trackable, etc. etc. And we one of our researchers called up Texas
Instruments and
  they arranged a conference call between I think Tory and the head
producer for the
  other team Linda Wolkovitch and one of the technicians for Texas
Instruments. We
  were supposed to have a conference call to talk about the technology
on like Tuesday
  at 10am. On Tuesday at 10am Linda and Tory get on the phone and Texas
  Instruments comes on along with chief legal council for American
Express Visa,
  Discover, and everybody else. And I get chills just as I describe
it. They were way way
  outgunned. And they absolutely made it really clear to Discovery
that they were not
  going to air this episode talking about how hackable this stuff was.
And Discovery
  backed way down being a large cooperation being dependant on the
revenue of the
  advertisers. And its on Discovery's radar and they wont let us go
near it. So, I'm sorry
  its just one of those things but man that was..Tory still gets a
little white when he
  describes that phone conversation.


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