Darren Lasko wrote:
Arshad Noor wrote:

"6.5 Develop all web applications based on secure coding guidelines
such as the Open Web Application Security Project guidelines"

Isn't this vulnerability already in the Top 10, specifically "A7 - Broken Authentication and Session Management" (

I was just informed of this 10 minutes ago, privately.

Not sure how I missed this the last time I read the document
(perhaps because I was focusing on remediating an application
related to two other vulnerabilities on a project), but the
bank examiners also apparently missed this for Wachovia.

While login pages are not required to be PCI-DSS compliant
(since they generally do not deal with credit card numbers,
it has been my impression that many companies are adopting
OWASP guidelines for all their web-projects.  Perhaps its
taking time for some more than others.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

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