----- Original Message ----- From: "Rene Veerman" <rene7...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 4:30 AM
Subject: how to properly secure non-ssl logins (php + ajax)

I'm going to edit this, since I assume most of the code is completely irrelevant

database stores Hash(password | salt) on server
challenge = Hash(random bits), challenge specifically does NOT change every time
user_hash = Hash( Hash( password | salt) | challenge)

There are so many ways to attack this I'm not sure where to begin:
1) Man-in-the-middle - user <-> Jerk <-> server, Jerk can easily highjack the session
2) Fake server sends out known predictable challenges, user is now an oracle
3) hack the real server, retrieve Hash(password| salt) hacker can now log in to server FASTER than user 4) hash attacks, you mention specifically that MD5 is available as a hash for this, DONT EVER USE MD5

the list continues

Now how to (mostly) fix it:
g, p, q are DSA parameters of sufficient size
Hash is a secure Hash, SHA256 will work, but SHA512 will work faster
database stores g^Hash(password | salt) mod p, call it gUser
Challenge = time | random bits, make it 256 bits, using time reduces the number of random bits used
gChallenge = g^Challenge mod p
Signed-gChallenge = cryptographically signed gChallenge | time, this does not take a certificate, just a trusted known signature key

Client receives  Signed-gChallenge and salt
Client verifies signature including time on Signed-gChallenge and extracts gChallenge

Client computes Y = gChallenge^Hash(password | salt) mod p
Server computes Y = gUser^Challenge mod p

If Y=Y client knows the password. For proof of security, this is signed-half ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key agreement with reveal.

1) This does not fix the MITM attack, only an encrypted tunnel can do that, so use SSL 2) Fake server only repeat a challenge created by the real server because of the signature, but the public key of the signing key needs to be verifiable, this is where certificates come in 3) Retrieveing gUser from the database is exactly identical to retrieving a Diffie-Hellman public key, no risk, database can be public

Also with SSL you don't need to have a paid for certificate, have a look at https://financialcryptography.com/ for an example. Joe
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