From: Zooko O'Whielacronx <>
Subject: [tahoe-dev] SHA-1 broken! (was: Request for hash-dependency in
        Tahoe security.)
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 15:59:05 -0600

On Apr 29, 2009, at 11:51 AM, Nathan wrote:


Wow!  These slides say that they discovered a way to find collisions  
in SHA-1 at a cost of only 2^52 computations.  If this turns out to  
be right (and the authors are respected cryptographers -- the kind of  
people who really hate to be wrong about something like this) then it  
is very exciting!  SHA-1 was already known to be vulnerable to attack  
by a moderately well-funded organization such as a national security  
agency, national military, corporation, or organized criminal group.   
Now it turns out that finding SHA-1 collisions is in the reach of a  
dedicated hobbyist or an eccentric genius [1].  Let's put a rough  
number on it.  I might be a little bit off, but you can build a  
COPACOBANA machine for about $10,000 [2], and it can brute-force a 56- 
bit DES key in about six and a half days.  2^52 SHA-1 operations  
should take roughly the same amount of time and money.  As another  
example I guess that distributed computation engines [3] and botnets  
[4] might be able to generate a SHA-1 collision in seconds.

Plus of course the amplifying effects of birthday attacks and rainbow  
tables and so on mean that the longer you keep your COPACOBANA or  
your botnet generating SHA-1 collisions, the more SHA-1 users around  
the world become vulnerable to you. So basically, if these slides are  
right then relying on SHA-1 collision-resistance has been revealed as  
a major vulnerability!

Almost all hash functions in civilian, open use are either MD5 or  
SHA-1.  For example, decentralized revision control tools such as  
monotone, git, and hg rely on SHA-1.  Interesting times!

As Shawn already correctly pointed out (and as Nathan probably  
already knew), Tahoe doesn't use SHA-1, so we're not affected by this  
new discovery.  Tahoe-LAFS uses SHA-256 (in the "double-hashing" mode  
suggested by Ferguson and Schneier and named "SHA-256d").  We also  
add our own tagging and salting prefix to avoid certain problems.  We  
aren't currently vulnerable to hash collision attacks, and we plan  
never to get into that position (about which more below).

Nonetheless, it would be a very good exercise to spell out what sorts  
of problems could result if attackers could violate what sorts of  
properties of the hash function(s) used in Tahoe.  The basic uses of  
secure hashes in Tahoe are for integrity-checking of immutable files  
and for digital signatures on mutable files and directories.

If an attacker could generate two different inputs which yielded the  
same hash output (that is, to find a "hash collision"), then they  
could give you a single immutable file cap that produced two (or  
more) different files when you used it to download the file.  We  
believe that nobody is currently able to do that, so currently if  
someone gives you an immutable file cap, you can rely on there being  
at most one file which can be downloaded using that cap.

For mutable files it is even safer.  If an attacker could find an  
input which yielded the same output as someone *else*'s input (that  
is, to find a "second pre-image"), then that attacker could write  
changes to a mutable file or directory that they were not authorized  
to write to.  Finding a second pre-image is probably much harder than  
finding a collision -- for example nobody has yet figured out how to  
find a second pre-image in SHA-1.  That's why I say it is even  
safer.  You already assume that the person who can write to a mutable  
file can make it so that two or more different file contents would be  
downloaded from using the same mutable-file read cap, but for  
immutable files we hold them to a higher standard and prevent even  
the original uploader of the immutable file from being able to make  
more than one file that matches the immutable-file read cap.

There are a lot more details of how Tahoe uses hash functions that I  
would be happy to work out when I have time, but those are the most  
important ones, and the immutable file caps are the most likely to  
turn out to be vulnerable.  (Although, as I've said, even the  
immutable file caps are extremely unlikely to be vulnerable.)

(Hm, this puts an interesting twist on Vincent and Nathan's idea of  
layering Mercurial-or-Bazaar on top of Tahoe.  Tahoe uses stronger  
cryptography (and also more flexible cryptography, by the way), so if  
you have uploaded your Mercurial repository to Tahoe then even when  
SHA-1 turns out to be weak (as it has), you can still rely on the  
integrity of your repository.)

> ps: For the case of Merkel Trees, are any security guarantees
> preserved in the face of hash collision attacks?

Sure -- a Merkle Tree has collision-resistance if the underlying hash  
has collision-resistance, and a Merkle Tree has second-preimage- 
resistance if the underlying hash has second-preimage resistance.  So  
if the underlying has doesn't have collision-resistance but does have  
second-preimage-resistance (as we currently suspect that SHA-1  
might), then your Merkle Tree would stil have second-preimage- 
resistance.  Also a Merkle Tree might be stronger than its underlying  
hash function in a few ways, even if the underlying hash is somewhat  

> d. For an existing grid how feasible is an upgrade to a new hash
> format which preserves all data?

It is certainly possible to preserve all the data.

The obvious way is to download your files and re-upload them in the  
new format.  I suspect that will probably end up being the best way,  
too.  I would like to emphasize that it is extremely unlikely that  
anyone will need to do this due to a weakness in the hashing  
algorithm in Tahoe in a hurry.  The people who are suffering from the  
collisions in MD5 and SHA-1 are suffering, not because MD5 or SHA-1  
were suddenly revealed to be insecure, but because they ignored the  
warning messages from cryptographers for many years.  (I'm a tad  
irritated about this, since "I tried to tell them" [5] and "They  
wouldn't listen!" [6].)

By the time that SHA-256 (plus our tagging and salting) is vulnerable  
to collisions, which could be anywhere from five years to a hundred  
years from now, we will have already upgraded Tahoe to use a stronger  
hash function (SHA-3 or a SHA-3 candidate) and gracefully upgraded  
pre-existing files.

Now the actual details of securely upgrading extant files to new  
integrity check mechanisms could be interesting.  We've thought a bit  
about how to facilitate future graceful upgrades and this will no  
doubt prompt us to think about it some more.  The stickiest bits are  
in the capability itself.  Let's put it this way: suppose you upload  
a file to a Tahoe grid today and get an immutable read cap in  
return.  Then suppose a few years from now someone does some  
unspecified operation which adds stronger hashes to the file as it  
exists out there on the servers.  Now, how do you as the holder of  
the original immutable read cap know that those new stronger hashes  
are correct?  You don't, because your read-cap wasn't generated from  
those new stronger hashes.  This isn't a weakness in the Tahoe  
capability-oriented design, it's more of a fundamental problem which  
is just thrown into sharper light by the cap design.  You can, of  
course, choose to delegate your decision about whether or not the  
file is correct to someone else (using Tahoe as well as using any  
other scheme), but if you want to actually have certainty *yourself*  
that the file is correct using the new hashes, then you're going to  
have to do some sort of download and computation on the file  
yourself, using the new hash algorithm.



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Eugen* Leitl <a href="";>leitl</a>
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