Begin forwarded message:

From: Radu Sion <>
Date: November 23, 2009 8:42:06 AM GMT-04:00
Subject: [fc-announce] FC 2010: Call for Posters. Accepted Papers.

Financial Cryptography and Data Security
Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
25-28 January 2010

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit a poster (deadline extended to
December 3rd) and participate in the 2010 Financial Cryptography and
Data Security Conference, January 25-28, 2010 in Tenerife, Canary
Islands, Spain, a boat-ride away from Morocco.

We had an extremely competitive review process this year. Out of 130
submissions we accepted 19 as FULL papers (acceptance rate: 14.6%) and 15 as
SHORT papers (acceptance rate: 26.1%) for a total of 34 presentations.
Additionally we are glad to have 3 workshops co-located with FC this year,
with an additional 19-20 papers.

FC 2010 will thus feature close to 55 high quality paper
presentations, 2-3 panels, 3 workshops, 3 distinguished lectures in
the main conference (and several additional talks in the workshops),
as well as a great social and networking program, all hosted in a 5
star hotel in a most beautiful location.

The following is a preliminary (several papers are accepted
conditional to succesful shepherding) list of all the 54 papers
accepted at the main FC conference as well as at the workshops.


FC 2010 FULL PAPERS (19 papers, 14.6% acceptance rate)

+ Dan Kaminsky, IOActive, Len Sassaman, Meredith Patterson, KU
  Leuven, PKI Layer Cake: New Collision Attacks Against the Global
  X.509 Infrastructure

+ Frank Stajano, University of Cambridge, Ford-Long Wong, Bruce
  Christianson, Multichannel protocols to prevent relay attacks

+ Tom Chothia, University of Birmingham, Vitaliy Smirnov, A
  Traceability Attack Against e-Passports

+ Octavian Catrina, Amitabh Saxena, International University in
  Germany, Secure Computation With Fixed-Point Numbers

+ Paul Karger, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, David  Toll, IBM, TJ
  Watson Research Center, Elaine Palmer, IBM, TJ Watson Research
  Center, Suzanne McIntosh, IBM, TJ Watson Research Center, Samuel
  Weber, Implementing a High-Assurance Smart-Card OS

+ Jan Camenisch, IBM Research - Zurich, Maria Dubovitskaya, IBM
  Russian Systems and Technology Laboratory Moscow Engineering
  Physics Institute, Gregory Neven, IBM Research - Zurich, Unlinkable
  Priced Oblivious Transfer with Rechargeable Wallets

+ Aline Gouget, Gemalto, Sebastien Canard, Orange, Multiple
  Denominations in E-cash with Compact Transaction Data

+ Joseph Bonneau, University of Cambridge, Mike Just, Greg Matthews,
  What's in a Name? Evaluating Statistical Attacks on Personal
  Knowledge Questions

+ Benedikt Westermann, Q2S - NTNU, Rolf Wendolsky, Jondos GmbH, Lexi
  Pimenidis, iDev GmbH, Dogan Kesdogan, University of Siegen,
  Cryptographic Protocol Analysis of AN.ON

+ Sven Sche, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Jg Schwenk, A CDH-Based Ring
  Signature Scheme with Short Signatures and Public Keys

+ Emiliano De Cristofaro, UCI, Gene Tsudik, UCI, Practical Private
  Set Intersection Protocols with Linear Complexity

+ Mathias Bjkqvist, Christian Cachin, IBM Research - Zurich, Robert
  Haas, Xiao-Yu Hu, Anil Kurmus, Ren Pawlitzek, Marko Vukoli, Design
  and Implementation of a Key-Lifecycle Management System

+ Tyler Moore, Harvard University, Benjamin Edelman, Harvard Business
  School, Measuring the Perpetrators and Funders of Typosquatting

+ Adam Barth, UC Berkeley, Ben Rubinstein, UC Berkeley, Mukund
  Sundararajan, Stanford, John Mitchell, Stanford, Dawn Song, UC
  Berkeley, Peter Bartlett, UC Berkeley, A Learning-Based Approach to
  Reactive Security

+ Kimmo Jvinen, Helsinki University of Technology, Vladimir
  Kolesnikov, Bell Laboratories, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Ruhr-University
  Bochum, Thomas Schneider, Ruhr-University Bochum, Embedded SFE:
  Offloading Server and Network using Hardware Tokens

+ Tal Moran, Harvard University, Tyler Moore, Harvard University, The
  Phish Market Protocol: Securely Sharing Attack Data Between

+ Roger Dingledine,  The Tor Project, Tsuen-Wan Ngan, Dan Wallach,
  Building Incentives into Tor

+ Moti Yung, Columbia University, Aggelos Kiayias, Uconn,
  Tree-Homomorphic Encryption and Scalable Hierarchical Secret-Ballot

+ Prithvi Bisht, University of Illinois, Chicago, A. Sistla,
  University of Illinois, Chicago, V.N. Venkatakrishnan, University
  of Illinois, Chicago, Automatically Preparing Safe SQL Queries


FC 2010 SHORT PAPERS (15 papers, 26.1% acceptance rate)

+ Xiaofeng Chen, Xidian University, Fangguo  Zhang, Haibo  Tian, Yi
  Mu, Kwangjo Kim, Three-round Abuse-free Optimistic Contract Signing
  With Everlasting Secrecy

+ Ryan Gardner, Johns Hopkins University, Sujata Garera, Johns
  Hopkins University, Aviel Rubin, Johns Hopkins University,
  Designing for Audit: A Voting Machine with a Tiny TCB

+ Felix Grert, Ruhr University Bochum, Daniel Bueyer, Jg Schwenk,
  Christoph Wegener, Attacking of SmartCard-based Banking
  Applications with JavaScript-based Rootkits

+ Ulrich Ruermair, TU Muenchen, Christian Jaeger, TU Muenchen,
  Christian Hilgers, TU Muenchen, Michael Algasinger, TU Muenchen,
  Gygy Csaba, TU Muenchen, Martin Stutzmann, TU Muenchen, Security
  Applications of Diodes with Unique Current-Voltage Characteristics

+ Steven Murdoch, University of Cambridge, Ross Anderson,  University
  of Cambridge Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode: or, How
  Not to Design Authentication

+ Timo Kasper, Ruhr-University Bochum, Christof Paar, Ruhr-University
  Bochum, Michael Silbermann, Ruhr-University Bochum
  All You Can Eat or Breaking a Real-World Contactless Payment System

+ Toni Perkovic, FESB, Mario Cagalj, FESB, Nitesh Saxena, Polytechnic
  Institute of NYU, Shoulder Surfing Safe Login in a Partially
  Observable Attacker Model

+ Aniket Kate, University of Waterloo, Ian Goldberg, University of
  Waterloo, Using Sphinx to Improve Onion Routing Circuit

+ Ivan Damgard, Aarhus University, Marcel Keller, Aarhus University,
  Secure Multiparty AES

+ Jorge Guajardo, Bart Mennink, K.U.Leuven, Berry Schoenmakers,
  Modulo Reduction for Paillier Encryptions and Application to Secure
  Statistical Analysis

+ Feng Hao, Thales E-Security, On robust key agreement based on
  public key authentication

+ Bogdan Groza, Politehnica University, Marius Minea, Politehnica
  University, A formal approach for automated reasoning about
  off-line and non-blockable on-line guessing

+ John Bethencourt, U. of California, Berkeley, Elaine Shi, PARC,
  Dawn Song, UC Berkeley, Signatures of Reputation: Towards Trust
  Without Identity

+ Paul Syverson, Naval Research Laboratory, Will Yuen, Christopher
  Thorpe, Zhenming Liu, Intention-Disguised Algorithmic Trading

+ Jens Grossklags, Princeton University, Benjamin Johnson, Carnegie
  Mellon University, Nicolas Christin, Carnegie Mellon University,
  When Information Improves Information Security


Workshop on Real-Life Cryptographic Protocols and Standardization

+ Cryptographic Cloud Storage, Seny Kamara and Kristin Lauter
  (Microsoft Research)

+ Extending IPsec for Efficient Remote Attestation, Steffen Schulz
  and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (Ruhr-University Bochum)

+ How to Evaluate the Security of Real-life Cryptographic Protocols?
  The cases of ISO/IEC 29128 and CRYPTREC, Shin'ichiro Matsuo (NICT),
  Kunihiko Miyazaki (Hitachi), Akira Otsuka (AIST), and David Basin
  (ETH Zurich)

+ Open Mobile Alliance Secure Content Exchange: Introducing Key
  Management Constructs and Protocols for Compromise-Resilient Easing
  of DRM Restrictions, David Kravitz (Motorola)

+ A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Targeted Ad-System, Elli Androulaki
  and Steven M. Bellovin (Columbia University)

+ SPAKE: a Single-party Public-key Authenticated Key Exchange
  Protocol for Contact-less Applications, Jean-Sebastien Coron
  (University of Luxembourg), Aline Gouget, Pascal Paillier
  (CryptoExperts and Gemalto) and Karine Villegas (Gemalto)


Workshop on Ethics in Computer Security Research (WECSR 2010)

+ David Dittrich, Felix Leder and Tillmann Werner, A Case Study in
  Ethical Decision Making Regarding Remote Mitigation of Botnets

+ John Aycock and John Sullins. Ethical Proactive Threat Research

+ Karsten Loesing, Steven Murdoch and Roger Dingledine, A Case Study
  on Measuring Statistical Data in the Tor Anonymity Network

+ Chris Grier, Kurt A. Thomas and David M. Nicol, Barriers to
  Security and Privacy Research in the Web Era

+ Erin Kenneally, Michael Bailey and Douglas Maughan, A Tool for
  Understanding and Applying Ethical Principles in Network and
  Security Research


Workshop on Lightweight Cryptography for Resource-Constrained Devices

+ Jin Tamura: A note on a fatal error of optimized LFC private
  information retrieval scheme and its corrected results

+ J.Melia-Segui, J.Garcia-Alfaro, J.Herrera-Joancomarti: Analysis and
  improvement of a pseudorandom number generator for EPC Gen2 tags

+ D.Engels, X.Fan, G.Gong, H.Hu, E.M.Smith: Hummingbird:
  Ultra-Lightweight Cryptography for Resource-Constrained Devices

+ G.Azuara, J.J.Piles, J.L.Salazar: Reliable food traceability using
  RFID tagging

+ S.Canard, J.Etrog, I.Coisel: Lighten Encryption Schemes for Secure
  and Private RFID Systems

+ V.Auletta, C.Blundo, A.De Caro, E.De Cristofaro, G.Persiano,
  I.Visconti: Increasing Privacy Threats in the Cyberspace: the Case
  of Italian E-Passports

+ S.Martinez, C.Roig, M.Valls: Securing the Use of RFID-Enabled

+ A.Poschmann, A.Moradi: Lightweight Cryptography and DPA
  Countermeasures: A Survey



Lorrie Cranor, CMU

Ueli Maurer, ETH Zurich

Jean-Pierre Hubaux, EPFL


Poster Submission: December 3, 2009 (extended)
Poster Notification: December 10, 2009 (extended)
Hotel Reservation: November 29, 2009


General Chair: Pino Caballero-Gil, University of La Laguna

Local Chair: Candelaria Hernandez-Goya, University of La Laguna

Local Committee

Luisa Arranz Chacon, Alcatel Espana, S.A.
Candido Caballero Gil, University of La Laguna
Amparo Fter Sabater, IFA-CSIC
Felix Herrera Priano, University of La Laguna
Belen Melian Batista, University of La Laguna
Jezabel Molina Gil, University of La Laguna
Jose Moreno Perez, University of La Laguna
Marcos Moreno Vega, University of La Laguna
Alberto Peinado Dominguez, University of Malaga
Alexis Quesada Arencibia, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Jorge Ramio Aguirre, Polytechnic University of Madrid
Victoria Reyes Sanchez, University of La Laguna


Program Chair: Radu Sion, Stony Brook University

Ross Anderson, University of Cambridge
Lucas Ballard, Google Inc.
Adam Barth, UC Berkeley
Marina Blanton, University of Notre Dame
Luc Bouganim, INRIA Rocquencourt
Bogdan Carbunar, Motorola Labs
Ivan Damgard, Aarhus University
Ernesto Damiani, University of Milano
George Danezis, Microsoft Research
Sabrina de Capitani di Vimercati, University of Milano
Rachna Dhamija, Harvard University
Sven Dietrich, Stevens Institute of Technology
Roger Dingledine, The Tor Project
Josep Domingo-Ferrer, University of Rovira i Virgili
Stefan Dziembowski, University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Simone Fischer-Huebner, Karlstad University
Philippe Golle, Palo Alto Research Center
Dieter Gollmann, Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg
Rachel Greenstadt, Drexel University
Markus Jakobsson, Palo Alto Research Center and Indiana University
Rob Johnson, Stony Brook University
Stefan Katzenbeisser, Technische Universit Darmstadt
Angelos Keromytis, Columbia University
Lars R. Knudsen, Technical University of Denmark
Wenke Lee, Georgia Tech
Arjen Lenstra, EPFL and Alcatel-Lucent Bell Laboratories
Helger Lipmaa, Cybernetica AS
Javier Lopez, University of Malaga
Luigi Vincenzo Mancini, University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Refik Molva, Eurecom Sophia Antipolis
Fabian Monrose, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Steven Murdoch, University of Cambridge
David Naccache, Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS)
David Pointcheval, Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) and CNRS
Bart Preneel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Josep Rifa Coma, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Ruhr-University Bochum
Vitaly Shmatikov, University of Texas at Austin
Miroslava Sotakova, Aarhus University
Angelos Stavrou, George Mason University
Patrick Traynor, Georgia Tech
Nicholas Weaver, International Computer Science Institute Berkeley

Proceedings Chair: Reza Curtmola, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Poster Chair: Peter Williams, Stony Brook University

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