March 24th, 2010 New Research Suggests That Governments May Fake SSL 
Technical Analysis by Seth Schoen

""Today two computer security researchers, Christopher Soghoian and Sid Stamm, 
released a draft of a forthcoming research paper in which theypresent evidence 
that certificate authorities (CAs) may be cooperating with government agencies 
to help them spy undetected on "secure" encrypted communications. (EFF 
sometimes advises Soghoian on responsible disclosure issues, including for this 
paper.) More details and reporting are available at Wired today. The draft 
paper includes marketing materials from Packet Forensics, an Arizona company, 
which suggests that government "users have the ability to import a copy of any 
legitimate keys they obtain (potentially by court order)" into Packet Forensics 
products in order to impersonate sites and trick users into "a false sense of 
security afforded by web, e-mail, or VoIP encryption". This would allow those 
governments to routinely bypass encryption without breaking it."".

""Soghoian and Stamm also observe that browsers trust huge numbers of CAs — and 
all of those organizations are trusted completely, so that the validity of any 
entity they approve is accepted without question.  Every organization on a 
browser's trusted list has the power to certify sites all around the world. 
Existing browsers do not consider whether a certificate was signed by a 
different CA than before; a laptop that has seen Gmail's site certified by a 
subsidiary of U.S.-based VeriSign thousands of times would raise no alarm if 
Gmail suddenly appeared to present a different key apparently certified by an 
authority in Poland, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, or Brazil. Yet such a 
change would be an indication that the user's encrypted HTTP traffic was being 



Dave Kleiman - - 

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