On Tue, 17 Aug 2010 22:32:52 +0200 Simon Josefsson
<si...@josefsson.org> wrote:
> Bill Stewart <bill.stew...@pobox.com> writes:
> > Basically, 2048's safe with current hardware
> > until we get some radical breakthrough
> > like P==NP or useful quantum computers,
> > and if we develop hardware radical enough to
> > use a significant fraction of the solar output,
> > we'll probably find it much easier to eavesdrop
> > on the computers we're trying to attack than to
> > crack the crypto.
> Another breakthrough in integer factoring could be sufficient for an
> attack on RSA-2048.  Given the number of increasingly efficient
> integer factorization algorithms that have been discovered
> throughout history, another breakthrough here seems more natural
> than unlikely to me.

A breakthrough could also render 10kbit keys broken, or might never
happen at all. A breakthrough could make short ECC keys vulnerable.
A breakthrough could make AES vulnerable. One can't operate on this
basis -- it makes it impossible to use anything other than one-time

Perry E. Metzger                pe...@piermont.com

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