On 14/09/2010 13:15, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> The decision that 1024 bit keys are inadequate for code signing is
> likely reasonable. The idea that 2048 bits and not something between
> 1024 bits and 2048 bits is a reasonable minimum is perhaps arguable.
> One wonders what security model indicated 4096 bits is the ideal
> length....

Given their constraints, what they say (i.e. "to be on the safe side")
seems entirely reasonable. Code signing and verification do not occur
with great frequency, so a big key is not a big problem.

In general, we should resist the temptation to pare security protocols
down to the bare minimum - it is this tendency that gave us, for
example, the TLS renegotiation attack. A little bit of belt and braces
and that would have been a non-issue.



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