Quoting from the New York Times:

  David Lammy, Britain's intellectual property minister, also called
  for a suspension of Blackberry's encrypted instant message service.
  Many rioters, exploiting that service, had been able to organize mobs
  and outrun the police, who were ill-equipped to monitor it. "It is
  unfortunate, but for the very short term, London can't have a night
  like the last," Mr. Lammy said in a Twitter post.

  Officials at Research in Motion, the corporate parent of Blackberry,
  declined to comment on whether the service would be suspended. But
  the company, based in Waterloo, Ontario, issued a statement saying:
  "We feel for those impacted by recent days' riots in London. We have
  engaged with the authorities to assist in any way we can."


Perry E. Metzger                pe...@piermont.com
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