On Sep 10, 2013, at 5:49 PM, "Perry E. Metzger" <pe...@piermont.com> wrote:
>> Phil Rogoway has a paper somewhere discussing the right way to
>> implement cryptographic modes and API's.
> It would be useful to get a URL for it.
>> In particular, he recommends changing the definition of CBC...to
>> E_0 = E(IV)  # Not transmitted
>> E_{i+1} = E(E_i XOR P_{i+1})
> You make no mention there of whether the key used to encrypt the IV
> is the same as that used for the plaintext.
As I recall the proposal, it was the same key.  (Generating a different one for 
this purpose is pointless - it would have to be random, in which case you might 
as well generate the IV randomly.)

> I presume if you need a lot of IVs (see protocols like IPsec), and have 
> enough key material, a second key might be of value for that -- but I don't 
> know what all the ins and outs are, and would prefer to read the literature...
I searched around but couldn't find it; the proposal apparently was not 
Rogoway's.  It apparently appears in NIST 800-38A (2001), with no citation.  In 
searching around, I came across a recent, unpublished paper by Rogoway:  
That paper - which does detailed analyses of a large number of modes - 
indicates that more recent work has shown that this technique for choosing an 
IV is *not* secure (against a certain class of attacks) and recommends against 
using it.

I highly recommend that paper.  In fact, I highly recommend everything Rogoway 
has written.  We've been discussing authentication and session key exchange - 
he and Bellare wrote about the problem in 1993 
http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/users/mihir/papers/eakd.pdf giving provably secure 
algorithms for the 2-party case, and two years later 
http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/papers/3pkd.pdf extending the work to the 
3-party case.
                                                        -- Jerry

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