
Over the past year I was in contact with different cryptographers (I was 
designing a new symmetric algorithm) and they all told me in order to publish 
it no governmental authorization was needed. They also told me that they 
publish paper all the time without having an authorization.

However there is the Wassenaar Arrangement between US, Europe and other 
countries that regulate the export and use of cryptography 

The Article 3 of the chapter 2 of the european law says : An authorisation 
shall be required for the export of the dual-use items listed in Annex I 

What they consider dual-use items is A ′′symmetric algorithm′′ employing a key 
length in excess of 56 bits 

The department of the ministry of defense that handle this regulation can't 
answer if publishing a cryptographic algorithm needs an authorization. However 
the Wassenaar Arrangement clearly says that material, software and technology 
need an authorization to be exported / published.

What is actually the status of the law about cryptography and publishing new 
algorithms ? Is the cryptographer that publish a paper without governmental 
authorization an outlaw ?
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