On 09/18/2013 01:31 PM, Walter van Holst wrote:
What makes me a tad bitter is that we apparantly live in a world with two classes: US citizens and the subhuman rest of it. NSA-style blanket surveillance violates the fundamental right to privacy and ultimately also the fundamental right to freedom of expression. These are not rights that are solely vested in the exceptional Americans.

You foreigners actually have a really big vote here. All those US internet companies want your business, and as you get no protections, in the current scheme, not even lip-service, you should look for alternatives. As you do, this puts pressure on the US internet companies, and they have the economic clout to put pressure on Feinstein and Polosi and all the others.

Sad that economic clout matters so much, but voters in the US are astoundingly ignorant of reality (pick a topic--other than sports and celebrity gossip--and we are ignorant), and so many can't be bothered to vote. We kind of get the government we deserve. Do what you can to save us, please.


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