On 2011-05-27 4:28 PM, Danilo Gligoroski wrote:
I am among skeptics that quantum computers will break RSA1024 or ECDSA160 in 
the next 35 years, but maybe I have to revise my views.


On Wednesday, D-Wave Systems made history by announcing the sale of the world's first 
commercial quantum computer. The buyer was Lockheed Martin Corporation, who will use the 
machine to help solve some of their "most challenging computation problems." ...

... D-Wave One uses a superconducting 128-qubit (quantum bit) chip, called 
Rainier, representing the first commercial implementation of a quantum 
processor. An early prototype, a 16-qubit system called Orion, was demonstrated 
in February 2007. At the time, D-Wave was talking about future systems based on 
512-qubit and 1024-qubit technology, but the 128-qubit Rainier turned out to be 
the company's first foray into the commercial market. ...

128 quantum bits sounds like a lot, but it is less than it seems, because this is not a general purpose quantum computer, though it can emmulate a general purpose quantum computer with considerably fewer quantum bits.

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