On 06/24/2011 02:04 AM, Nico Williams wrote:

Every bank that uses Active Directory uses Kerberos, and the GSS-like
SSPI.  And the Kerberos GSS mechanism (through SSPI, on Windows).  The
native Windows TLS implementation is accessed via SSPI.

I've used/abused the Windows SSPI a few times for various things. It's pretty darn abstract. Which is not a criticism, only that it's less of an API than a intra-host transport protocol for shipping loosely related structures between apps and the security providers which are as diverse as Kerb and TLS.

For example, the Microsoft doco on InitializeSecurityContext()
has a description and then again separate pages for every security support provider (SSP) that ships with Windows.

Most of the SSPI functions have descriptions like "Used by a server to
create a security context based on an opaque message received from a client" and "Applies a supplemental security message to an existing security context".

Again, there's nothing wrong with this. But I suggest a guideline for our discussion of the design of crypto APIs: The API must not be so abstract that it doesn't actually encrypt any data.

- Marsh
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