On Feb 14, 2012, at 10:02 PM, Jon Callas wrote:

> On 14 Feb, 2012, at 5:58 PM, Steven Bellovin wrote:
>> The practical import is unclear, since there's (as far as is known) no
>> way to predict or control who has a bad key.
>> To me, the interesting question is how to distribute the results.  That
>> is, how can you safely tell people "you have a bad key", without letting
>> bad guys probe your oracle.  I suspect that the right way to do it is to
>> require someone to sign a hash of a random challenge, thereby proving
>> ownership of the private key, before you'll tell them if the
>> corresponding public key is in your database.
> Yeah, but if you're a bad guy, you can download the EFF's SSL Observatory and 
> just construct your own oracle. It's a lot like rainbow tables in that once 
> you learn the utility of the trick, you just replicate the results. If you 
> implement something like the Certificate Transparency, you have an 
> authenticated database of authoritative data to replicate the oracle with.
> Waving my hand and making software magically appear, I'd combine Certificate 
> Transparency and such an oracle be combined, and compute the status of the 
> key as part of the certificate logs and proofs.

Note that they very carefully didn't say how they did it.  I have my own ideas 
-- but they're just that, ideas; I haven't analyzed them carefully, let alone 
coded them.

                --Steve Bellovin, https://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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