Those are Lim-Lee primes where p=2n+1 where a B-smooth composite (meaning n
= p0*p1*...*pk where each p0 is f size < B bits.

So if Crypto++ is testing if the q from p=2q+1 is prime, its right -- its
not!  But its not broken so long as B is large enough.  If B is too small
its very broken.


On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 06:43:15PM -0500, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
Hi All,

This has been bugging me for some time....

When Crypto++ and GnuPG interop using ElGamal, Crypto++ often throws a
bad element exception when validating the GnuPG keys. It appears GnuPG
does not choose a q such that q - 1 is prime (in the general form of p
= qr + 1). That causes a failure in Crypto++'s Jakobi test.

I could not find a paper stating q - 1 non-prime was OK (on Google and
Google Scholar). I would think that q - 1 prime would be a
requirement, since some algorithms run in time proportional to q - 1
(for example, Pollard's Rho).

What are the key generation requirements for ElGamal Encryption and
Signature schemes?

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