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On 07/02/13 07:18, Jon Callas wrote:
> Deleting the things, however, is trivial. This is a place that iOS 
> shines. Every file is encrypted with a unique key and if you
> delete the file, it is cryptographically erased. You're correct in
> that flash *is* notoriously difficult to wipe unencrypted secrets. 
> Fortunately for us, all the flash on iOS is encrypted and the
> crypto management is easy to use.

Hi Jon,

I've been trying to understand the properties of iOS's file encryption
with regard to recovering deleted files. As far as I can tell, it
works as follows - please correct me if I'm wrong.

The file's unique key (let's call it k1) is encrypted with a class key
(k2) before being stored on disk. If the file uses the strongest class
of protection (NSFileProtectionComplete), k2 is encrypted with a key
derived from the user's passcode and the device's UID (k3) before
being stored on disk, and k2 and k3 are erased from memory whenever
the device is locked. After being encrypted with k3, k2 is stored in
effaceable storage, and is erased from disk if the user changes the
passcode. The UID never leaves the device, so a brute force attack on
k3 must be run on the device itself, making the attack slow.

Consider a situation where the user receives a message, stores it with
NSFileProtectionComplete, and then deletes it. The device is then seized.

The file (encrypted with k1) and k1 (encrypted with k2) are stored in
ordinary non-effaceable storage, so they may be recoverable after

If the device is seized while it's unlocked, k2 is in memory, so it
may be possible to decrypt k1 and thus decrypt the file.

If the device is seized while it's locked, a slow brute force attack
may recover k3, so it may be possible to decrypt k2, and thus decrypt
k1, and thus decrypt the file.

Is that correct? If so, it seems to me that deleting the file doesn't
provide much extra protection - the attacks that can decrypt the file
are the same attacks that could decrypt it if it hadn't been deleted.
Don't get me wrong, iOS does a really impressive job of making those
attacks hard - my point is only that they're no harder for deleted
files than for files that haven't been deleted.

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