[More address typos, its contagious!, so resending]

This below post didnt elicit any response, but the poster references an
interesting though novel (and therefore possibly risky) alternative
accumulator without the need for a centrally trusted RSA key generator
(which is an anathema to a distributed trust system), or alternatively
zero-trust but very inefficient RSA UFO mentioned in Green's paper.  Lipmaa
is a well known researcher, and Lipmaa's proposed novel accumulator scheme
does appear to offer a simultaneously efficient and zero trust alternative
to the optimized Benaloh accumulator used by zerocoin; and Sander and
Ta-Shma's auditable ecash, that zerocoin is based on, also used the Benaloh


Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 05:25:02PM +0400

I have recently read the Zerocoin paper which describes a very
interesting enhanced anonymity solution for bitcoin-like "blockchain
based" cryptocurrencies  ( those unfamiliar can check it out here
http://spar.isi.jhu.edu/~mgreen/ZerocoinOakland.pdf )

The paper specifically states that "While we were not able to find an
analogue of our scheme using alternative components, it is possible
that further research will lead to other solutions. Ideally such an
improvement could produce a drop-in replacement for our existing

However, I've come across an alternative cryptographic accumulator
that does not require trusted setup, the Lipmaa  Euclidean Rings based
design. ( http://www.cs.ut.ee/~lipmaa/papers/lip12b/cl-accum.pdf )
From my superficial assessment, it appears fitting for a zerocoin like
design, but I find it quite likely that I am missing the obvious.

The question thus is: what exactly prevents Lipmaa accumulator from
being used as aforementioned drop-in replacement ?

Thank you very much in advance.
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