Super!  I think a commercial operator is an essential step forward.

Q: do you have some sense of how long the accesses take? E.g., I'm at the end of a long ping, will I expect the actions to take ms, s, or ks?


On 13/08/13 18:56 PM, Zooko Wilcox-OHearn wrote:
Dear people of the mailing list:

For obvious reasons, the time has come to push hard on *verifiable*
end-to-end encryption. Here's our first attempt. We intend to bring

We welcome criticism, suggestions, and requests.


Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn

Founder, CEO, and Customer Support Rep
Freedom matters.


============================================================ Announces A PRISM-Proof Storage Service

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

``_ today announced “Simple Secure Storage Service
(S4)”, a backup service that encrypts your files to protect them from
the prying eyes of spies and criminals.


“People deserve privacy and security in the digital data that make up
our daily lives.” said the company's founder and CEO, Zooko
Wilcox-O'Hearn. “As an individual or a business, you shouldn't have to
give up control over your data in order to get the benefits of cloud

verifiable end-to-end security

The Simple Secure Storage Service offers *verifiable* end-to-end security.

It offers “end-to-end security” because all of the customer's data is
encrypted locally — on the customer's own personal computer — before
it is uploaded to the cloud. During its stay in the cloud, it cannot
be decrypted by, nor by anyone else, without the
decryption key which is held only by the customer.

S4 offers “*verifiable* end-to-end security” because all of the source
code that makes up the Simple Secure Storage Service is published for
everyone to see. Not only is the source code publicly visible, but it
also comes with Free (Libre) and Open Source rights granted to the
public allowing anyone to inspect the source code, experiment on it,
alter it, and even to distribute their own version of it and to sell
commercial services.

Wilcox-O'Hearn says “If you rely on closed-source, proprietary
software, then you're just taking the vendor's word for it that it
actually provides the end-to-end security that they claim. As the
PRISM scandal shows, that claim is sometimes a lie.”

The web site of proudly states “We can never see
your data, and you can always see our code.”.

trusted by experts

The Simple Secure Storage Service is built on a technology named
“Least-Authority File System (LAFS)”. LAFS has been studied and used
by computer scientists, hackers, Free and Open Source software
developers, activists, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency, and the U.S. National Security Agency.

The design has been published in a peer-reviewed scientific workshop:
*Wilcox-O'Hearn, Zooko, and Brian Warner. “Tahoe: the least-authority
filesystem.” Proceedings of the 4th ACM international workshop on
Storage security and survivability. ACM, 2008.*

It has been cited in more than 50 scientific research papers, and has
received plaudits from the U.S. Comprehensive National Cybersecurity
Initiative, which stated: “Systems like Least-Authority File System
are making these methods immediately usable for securely and availably
storing files at rest; we propose that the methods be further
reviewed, written up, and strongly evangelized as best practices in
both government and industry.”

Dr. Richard Stallman, President of the Free Software Foundation
( said “Free/Libre software is software that the
users control. If you use only free/libre software, you control your
local computing — but using the Internet raises other issues of
freedom and privacy, which many network services don't respect. The
Simple Secure Storage Service (S4) is an example of a network service
that does respect your freedom and privacy.”

Jacob Appelbaum, Tor project developer (
and WikiLeaks volunteer (, said “LAFS's design
acknowledges the importance of verifiable end-to-end security through
cryptography, Free/Libre release of software and transparent
peer-reviewed system design.”

The LAFS software is already packaged in several widely-used operating
systems such as Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu.

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