On 17 August 2013 13:50, Jon Callas <j...@callas.org> wrote:

> On Aug 17, 2013, at 12:49 AM, Bryan Bishop <kanz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 1:04 AM, Jon Callas <j...@callas.org> wrote:
>> It's very hard, even with controlled releases, to get an exact
>> byte-for-byte recompile of an app. Some compilers make this impossible
>> because they randomize the branch prediction and other parts of code
>> generation. Even when the compiler isn't making it literally impossible,
>> without an exact copy of the exact tool chain with the same linkers,
>> libraries, and system, the code won't be byte-for-byte the same. Worst of
>> all, smart development shops use the *oldest* possible tool chain, not the
>> newest one because tool sets are designed for forwards-compatibility (apps
>> built with old tools run on the newest OS) rather than
>> backwards-compatibility (apps built with the new tools run on older OSes).
>> Code reliability almost requires using tool chains that are trailing-edge.
> Would providing (signed) build vm images solve the problem of distributing
> your toolchain?
> Maybe. The obvious counterexample is a compiler that doesn't
> deterministically generate code, but there's lots and lots of hair in
> there, including potential problems in distributing the tool chain itself,
> including copyrighted tools, libraries, etc.
> But let's not rathole on that, and get to brass tacks.
> I *cannot* provide an argument of security that can be verified on its
> own. This is Godel's second incompleteness theorem. A set of statements S
> cannot be proved consistent on its own. (Yes, that's a minor handwave.)

That is totally not Godel's second incompleteness theorem. It is certainly
possible to prove things in formal systems. This is not a "minor handwave",
it is pure bullshit.

> All is not lost, however. We can say, "Meh, good enough" and the problem
> is solved. Someone else can construct a *verifier* that is some set of
> policies (I'm using the word "policy" but it could be a program) that
> verifies the software. However, the verifier can only be verified by a set
> of policies that are constructed to verify it. The only escape is decide at
> some point, "meh, good enough."
> I brought Ken Thompson into it because he actually constructed a rootkit
> that would evade detection and described it in his Turing Award lecture.
> It's not *just* philosophy and theoretical computer science. Thompson
> flat-out says, that at some point you have to trust the people who wrote
> the software, because if they want to hide things in the code, they can.
> I hope I don't sound like a broken record, but a smart attacker isn't
> going to attack there, anyway. A smart attacker doesn't break crypto, or
> suborn releases. They do traffic analysis and make custom malware. Really.
> Go look at what Snowden is telling us. That is precisely what all the bad
> guys are doing. Verification is important, but that's not where the attacks
> come from (ignoring the notable exceptions, of course).
> One of my tasks is to get better source releases out there. However, I
> also have to prioritize it with other tasks, including actual software
> improvements. We're working on a release that will tie together some new
> anti-surveillance code along with a better source release. We're testing
> the new source release process with some people not in our organization, as
> well. It will get better; it *is* getting better.
> Jon
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