----- Forwarded message from Zooko Wilcox-OHearn <zo...@leastauthority.com> 

Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2013 21:17:14 +0000
From: Zooko Wilcox-OHearn <zo...@leastauthority.com>
To: z...@lists.illumos.org
Subject: [zfs] [Review] 4185 New hash algorithm support
Message-ID: <cam_a8jxvey4lnhmmxfzafwofgn0z0kxlkentcvrhq_mog48...@mail.gmail.com>
Reply-To: z...@lists.illumos.org

Hi folks:

I just joined this list because I saw this thread. I'm one of the
architects of a distributed storage system named Tahoe-LAFS
(https://Tahoe-LAFS.org). It has quite a few things in common with
ZFS, architecturally, but it is also very different from ZFS, because
it's not so much a real *filesystem* as it is like a BitTorrent that
has an upload button as well as a download button. But it is like ZFS
inasmuch as they both involve a heck of a lot of hashing for

I'm also an author of a secure hash function which has been designed
for this kind of usage and which you should consider as an alternative
to SHA-256, Edon-R, or Skein for use in ZFS. It is named BLAKE2. Here
are the slides I presented about BLAKE2 at a recent academic crypto
conference: ¹.

¹ https://blake2.net/acns/slides.html

The slides mention ZFS. ZFS is mentioned on a slide with a list of
tools that use secure hash functions for data-intensive purposes. Out
of the list there, Tahoe-LAFS and ZFS are the only ones that use a
hash function which is actually secure — SHA-256. The others all use
hash functions that are known to be more or less unsafe — MD5 and

So, before I go on with my pitch for why you should consider BLAKE2,
first please clarify for me whether ZFS really needs a
collision-resistant hash function, or whether it needs only a MAC. I
had thought until now that ZFS doesn't need a collision-resistant hash
unless dedup is turned on, and that if dedup is turned on it needs a
collision-resistant hash.

But this thread seems to indicate that even when dedup is turned on,
it might be possible to use a MAC, by having a pool-wide secret to use
for the MAC key… If I understand correctly (which I probably don't),
that would make it impossible for anyone who doesn't know the secret
to cause collisions during dedup, but still possible for someone who
knows the secret (presumably root on that system, or someone who stole
the secret) to generate blocks that would collide during dedup. If you
used a collision-resistant hash for that purpose, then nobody would be
able to cause collisions.

If you need a MAC, I suggest Poly1305-AES. It is very efficient, has a
nice proof that it is as secure as AES is, and it is part of a new
proposed cipher suite for TLS ².

² http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-agl-tls-chacha20poly1305-01

If you need a collision-resistant hash function, I suggest BLAKE2. It
is more efficient than SHA-256, Skein, or Keccak (see ³), and it has a
better reputation among cryptographers than Edon-R has. In fact,
BLAKE2's parent, BLAKE, was rated by NIST as being even more
well-studied than Keccak was — see my slides, linked above, for quotes
from NIST's final report on the SHA-3 contest.

³ http://bench.cr.yp.to/results-hash.html#amd64-hydra8

I get the impression that BLAKE2 has gotten a certain "mind-share"
among cryptographers, because after this article ⁴ from the Center for
Democracy and Technology came out, questioning NIST's plans to modify
SHA-3 to improve its performance, there has been a heated discussion
on the SHA-3 mailing list, and several of the cryptographers in that
discussion (including the inventors of Keccak) have mentioned BLAKE2
as an example of a high-performance hash function. There has been one
academic research paper analyzing BLAKE2 so far: ⁵ (in addition to a
ton of them analyzing its predecessor, BLAKE, during the SHA-3

⁴ https://www.cdt.org/blogs/joseph-lorenzo-hall/2409-nist-sha-3http://eprint.iacr.org/2013/467

In addition to being high-performance in normal single-stream mode,
BLAKE2 comes with parallelized modes, so that you can use 4 or 8 CPU
cores to compute a hash up to 4- or 8- times as fast.

You can get the academic papers, source code (both simple reference
implementations and optimized implementations in various languages),
test vectors, and so on:



Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn

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