On Dec 17, 2013, at 10:01 , SafeChat.IM <i...@safechat.im> wrote:
> A friend and me are working on a plugin that enables encryption on top of 
> Facebook messaging. The idea is to encrypt messages before they leave the 
> chat client, sending only the cipher to Facebook and decrypt the message on 
> the receiver client, before it is displayed. The plugin automatically 
> realizes which users have it installed and only encrypts these chats.

I briefly thought about doing this a few years ago. Actually, I was even more 
interested in leveraging it for the key distribution and distributed identity 
management aspect. But then, when I looked at the various app interfaces and 
designs, I ran away from Facebook very quickly. It was absolutely impossible to 
do anything on Facebook that is secure in the face of other apps. Unless 
they've done a very un-Facebook-like revision, you cannot achieve meaningful 


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