*** Nicholas Bohm <nb...@ernest.net> [2013-12-25 18:40]:
>I'm curious, is Aaron's response representative of the entire list's, or are 
>re folks out there lurking who would actually appreciate a forum?
I am just an ordinary reader here, but personally I am strongly against
forums. I won't read them anyway, I do not believe people are willing to
replace their reliable configured comofortable to work with personal
email software with someone's Web-based thought of better user
interface. Personally configured email client is always will be more
convenient way to work with, ability to work offline, search list
archives offline, robustness if list mailserver is down, not resource
and network traffic (relatively) wastefull client and server software.
I assume NNTP Usenet-like services is better choice, but modern
maillists are very good from most point of views.

Happy hacking, Sergey Matveev
cryptography mailing list

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