whos to say?
we're jus trapt on erf together.
On Mar 21, 2015 11:37 PM, "Seth David Schoen" <sch...@eff.org> wrote:

> Lee writes:
> > On 3/21/15, Jeffrey Goldberg <jeff...@goldmark.org> wrote:
> > > [Apologies for quoting badly]
> > >
> > > No!  A thousand times no.
> > >
> > > (1) the file isn't secret
> >
> > But the fact that I'm using it as my one-time pad is.  Why isn't that
> > good enough?
> If an attacker has access to the same web sites and databases that you
> do, the attacker could just try all of them the files in them.  There
> shouldn't be more than 2⁵⁰ publicly-accessible files out there, right?
> Or maybe each file in a copy of the Internet Archive, say.  One of them
> is actually going to be that ISO file!
> There are other conceptual problems that are much worse than this
> practical problem.  The biggest conceptual problem is that, for the
> one-time pad setting that has been mathematically proven secure, the
> shortest description of the pad you are using should normally be the pad
> itself.  If there is a shorter description, the attacker first of all has
> a smaller work factor (set of things to try), but what's really _much much
> much_ worse conceptually, the attacker has a probability of being able
> to usefully distinguish one possible decryption as more likely than others.
> In the ideal one-time pad, there is no basis on which an attacker (even
> an attacker with completely unbounded resources) can usefully say that
> one proposed decryption is more likely to be right than another, at
> least compared to the attacker's prior beliefs about what the plaintext
> was likely to be.  But if there is a meaningfully shorter description of
> what you used as the pad, then an attacker with vast resources who
> correctly guesses what that was will know that it's likely to be right,
> which is a kind of success that the attacker couldn't have achieved with
> a truly random pad.
> *True random pad*: Attacker doesn't know whether pad k₁ is actually more
> likely than pad k₂, if (c ⊕ k₁) and (c ⊕ k₂) both appear to be equally
> plausible plaintexts.
> *Choosing a meaningful file but keeping secret which one you used*: An
> attacker who tries your file f₁ as the pad notices that both (c ⊕ f₁)
> and f₁ itself appear "meaningful", so it's more likely that f₁ is
> correct compared to some other f₂ which is not "meaningful".
> This is the great thing about the classical one-time pad: the attacker
> _literally doesn't know when the attack was successful_, a fact which
> has nothing to do with how powerful the attacker is (how many keys the
> attacker is able to try guessing).  In the classical one-time pad with
> a true random pad, even an attacker who can try _every single_ pad
> literally doesn't have any evidence which could reveal which one was
> right, or which could reveal any new fact or property about the
> plaintext.  Relaxing the randomness assumption, in turn, undermines this
> conclusion because the attacker can now have some conceivable indication
> about "being on the right track" (even if that's merely statistical),
> which could simply never happen with a true random pad.
> --
> Seth Schoen  <sch...@eff.org>
> Senior Staff Technologist                       https://www.eff.org/
> Electronic Frontier Foundation                  https://www.eff.org/join
> 815 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA  94109       +1 415 436 9333 x107
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