> The San Francisco Bay Area Cypherpunks Meeting will be
> Saturday, February 16, 2002, at Don Ramon's Restaurant, 225 11th St, San 
> Francisco.

For the last 4 years I've been able to arrange space at the RSA conference
for the adjacent Cypherpunks meeting. I apologize for not doing so this
There were a number of factors:

1. RSA is running Monday -> Friday instead of the usual Sunday -> Thursday,
so the Saturday cp meet is no longer adjacent to the conference, which
us to get a room while setup was going on around us.

2. RSA is in San Jose, but Codecon is in SF, and is closely aligned with
member interests. Next year, RSA will be back at the Moscone center in SF.

3. Due to conflicts, I'm not out on the West Coast till Monday afternoon, so
can't host or attend the meeting personally. I'm really annoyed about that


As to the RSA conference web site, I've raised a stink about certain facets 
of it, and there will be a Flash-free site next year.

Peter Trei

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