Change the billboard for elevator music (which will be protected). Will you
be able to play back your digital dictations *if* they were recorded in an
environment that included background music.

IMHO, Silly does not mean they will not be successful. Look at DMCA.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Trei, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed May 29 12:29:39 2002
Subject: RE: FC: Hollywood wants to plug "analog hole," regulate A-D conve

Actually, it's unlikely that anyone would embed watermarks in billboard
ads, or in ads in general. Copying an ad is usually a Good Thing from
the advertiser's point of view - more exposure. It's only the program
material which needs protection.

To get back to security; could I use this to defeat video surrveilliance
cameras, by wearing a copyrighted teeshirt??

This thread on this very silly idea from the MPAA has gone far 
enough, IMHO. 

Peter Trei

> ----------
> Sent:         Wednesday, May 29, 2002 2:14 PM
> Subject:      RE: FC: Hollywood wants to plug "analog hole," regulate A-D
> conve rters
> > From: Pete Chown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2002 8:05 AM
> > 
> > David G. Koontz wrote:
> > 
> > > Can you imagine watermarks on billboard advertisements?  How
> > > subliminal.
> > 
> > Actually this would be weird.  Suppose digital cameras had to
> > be fitted with a watermark detection system.  Suddenly, we 
> > have lost a much more fundamental fair use right -- the right 
> > to include copyright material as an incidental part of a photograph.
> > [SNIP]
> >
> I would like to buy some watermarked cloths please. Then I could be
> invisible :-)
> -Michael Heyman
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