Sandy Harris wrote:
> David Wagner wrote:
>>Oh dear.  On re-reading your message I now suspect that what you asked
>>is not what I originally thought you asked.  I see two questions here:
>>  Q1: If we cycle through all N-bit messages, are all
>>      2^N output values possible?
>>  Q2: If we cycle through all messages (possibly very long
>>      or very short), are all 2^N output values possible?
>>On first reading I thought you were asking Q1, but it now occurs to me
>>you were probably asking Q2.  I apologize profusely for any confusion
>>I may have caused.
>>Anyway, the answer to Q1 is likely to be "No".  I'd guess that the answer
>>to Q2 is probably "Yes", or close to it.
> I think the interesting question is whether, for M-bit hash inputs,
> and an N-bit hash, with a lower bound Q on entropy per input batch,
> so M > Q > N, we can show, as I think Denker is claiming to have done,
> that the entropy of hash(M) must be > N - epsilon, for some epsilon
> small enough to ignore.
> That would imply not only that all 2^N values occur, but that they
> are reasonably evenly distributed.

But what you want, for an entropy-preserving system, is that Q ~= N. If 
Q >> N, then what you want is trivial (but not what we want).




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