Eugen Leitl asked:
> 1) What's the name of the technique of salting/padding an small integer 
>    I'm signing with random data?

You shouldn't need to salt/pad with random data, fixed data should be

> 2) If I'm signing above short (~1 kBit) sequences, can I sign them 
>    directly, or am I supposed to hash them first? (i.e. does a presence
>    of an essentially fixed field weaken the signature)

Derek Atkins replied:
> It depends on the signature algorithm.  With RSA you can sign any
> message "directly" if said message is smaller than the public key size
> (N).  DSA, however, requires the use of a hash.

Actually, depending on the data being signed, it can be important to
hash for RSA.  After all, RSA is existentially forgeable: anyone can
forge a signature on a *random* value (if C=M^e mod n, then M is a
signature on C).  They might be able to try some large number of sigs
until they got a random value which looked enough like legitimate data
to be accepted - especially possible if the 1kbit value being signed
holds dense, random-ish binary data.

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