Jim Choate writes:
 > On Mon, 5 Aug 2002, Russell Nelson wrote:
 > > AARG!Anonymous writes:
 > >  > So don't read too much into the fact that a bunch of anonymous postings
 > >  > have suddenly started appearing from one particular remailer.  For your
 > >  > information, I have sent over 400 anonymous messages in the past year
 > >  > to cypherpunks, coderpunks, sci.crypt and the cryptography list (35
 > >  > of them on TCPA related topics).
 > > 
 > > We have, of course, no way to verify this fact, since your messages
 > > are not cryptographically signed.  For someone who claims to be
 > > knowledgable about cryptography, this seems like a suspicious omission.
 > Bullshit Russ, plausable deniability alone justifies such behaviour.
 > Who sent them is irrelevant except to cultists of personality (eg CACL
 > adherents).

I agree that it's irrelevant.  So why is he trying to argue from
authority (always a fallacy anyway) without *even* having any way to
prove that he is that authority?  Fine, let him desire plausible
deniability.  I plausibly deny his appeal to (self-)authority as being
completely without merit.

-russ nelson              http://russnelson.com |
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