On Tue, Aug 13, 2002 at 11:55:24PM -0700, Brian A. LaMacchia wrote:
| Adam Shostack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 12:38:42AM -0700, Brian A. LaMacchia wrote:
| >> There are two parts to answering the first question:
| >>
| >> 1) People (many people, the more the merrier) need to understand the
| >> code and what it does, and thus be in a position to be able to make
| >> an informed decision about whether or not they trust it.
| >> 2) People reviewing the code, finding security flaws, and then
| >> reporting them so that we can fix them
| >>
| >> These are two very different things.  I don't think that anyone
| >> should count on the goodwill of the general populace to make their
| >> code proveably secure. I think that paying people who are experts at
| >> securing code to find exploits in it must be part of the development
| >> process.
| >
| > How are these different?  If I'm understanding the code to decide if I
| > trust it (item 1), it seems to me that I must do at least 2A and 2B:
| > 2C is optional :)
| >
| > Or are you saying that (2) is done by internal folks, and thus is a
| > smaller set than (1)?
| Yeah, I wasn't very clear here, was I?  What I was trying to say was that
| there's a difference between understanding how a system behaves technically
| (and deciding whether that behavior is correct from a technical perspective)
| and understanding how a system behaves from a policy perspective (e.g.
| social process & impact).  Those are two completely different questions.  2)
| is all about verifying that Palladium hardware and software components
| technically operates as it is spec'd to.  1) is about the larger issue of
| how Palladium systems interact with service providers (CAs, TTPs), what
| processes one goes through to secure PII, etc.  The two groups of people
| looking at 1) and 2) have non-zero intersection but are not equal.  And,
| just to be clear, 2) is *not* done only by internal folks, but I expect that
| the size of the set of people competent to do 2) is significantly smaller
| than the size of the set of people who need to think about 1). :-)

Hmm.  Lessig would argue that they are not two different questions,
but tightly coupled ones.  Have you read his books?  I found them
worth the time, and a fun read to boot.  I had at least one deep aha
moment per book.


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