At 10:57 PM 9/24/2002 +0900, Noriyuki Soda wrote:

>Greg Broile wrote:
> > in the OpenSSL library, provided that the people who don't want to be
> > sued comply with a list of conditions:
>         :
> > (2) don't modify Sun's code as provided by Sun, don't use only parts
> > of the donated code, and don't remove the license text from the code.
>I think this (2) is misunderstanding, or may lead misunderstand.
>For example, i) of 3) describes that modifed part of the code
>(i.e. modified since Sun's contribution) is not subject of the
>covenant. But licensee who modifies Sun's code can covenant to Sun
>about the unmodified part of the code.

How does that avoid liability for infringing Sun's patent rights in
the modified part of the code?

Do you have an alternate explanation for the terms of Sun's license?

Greg Broiles -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- PGP 0x26E4488c or 0x94245961

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