---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri,  6 Dec 2002 03:12:30 +0100 (CET)
From: Robert Harley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help!


I need access to a big fast machine ASAP, to count points on a
humongous elliptic curve.  That requires running a process that takes
about 8 GB of memory (it can be partly swap space - the program is
written to run well in virtual memory).  I have't figured out how to
parallelize the algorithm at all and it needs a few days of CPU on a
fast 64-bit machine.  Best of all is something like a 1 GHz Alpha or
Itanium 2 (preferably with a friendly sysadmin to increase per-process
resource limits :)

If any FoRKer can think of a way of getting access, please make it
happen and spend some karma points if necessary!

Many thanks in advance to those who can be of assistance,
     .-.                                                               .-.
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