Hi Everyone,

VIA processors and chipsets are popular in thin clients, like PoS terminals 
and low end netbooks. (Or they used to be before the low end Atoms).

We added a VIA Padlock RNG today at 
http://github.com/noloader/cryptopp/commit/7fb5953055d1. The Padlock 
Security Engine provides AES, SHA and a RNG. VIA was shipping its Security 
Engine in the early 2000's about 5 or 7 years before Intel.

The RNG runs at about 400 cpb, which is better than /dev/random, 
AutSeededX917(AES) and HMAC DRBG. I want to add AES and benchmark it to see 
how it performs. I hope to get to it this weekend or next week.

There's also a wiki page at https://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/VIA_Padlock. It 
includes the reference material I've collected over the years, including 
the SDK with code samples. If you use the SDK then be careful of the 
samples. They are not always correct.


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