Hello third time.

Totally newbie in C++ and crypto-things.
General schema is here: 

Am I right in understanding for what different cryptopp things to be used?

Short schema of my actions:

1)loading keys (PEM keys, I think) from string as here:

string base64_decode(string encoded) {
string decoded;

CryptoPP::Base64Decoder decoder;
decoder.Put((CryptoPP::byte*)encoded.data(), encoded.size());

CryptoPP::word64 size = decoder.MaxRetrievable();
if (size && size <= SIZE_MAX)
decoder.Get((CryptoPP::byte*)&decoded[0], decoded.size());
return decoded;
else {
return "";


string priv_key_encoded = "...";//big things in base64, like this:
string priv_key = base64_decode(priv_key_encoded);
const CryptoPP::byte *priv_key_ptr = (const CryptoPP::byte*) 
CryptoPP::SecByteBlock privKey(*priv_key_ptr);

//similar actions on other keys - our private, accepted ephemeral and 
accepted public

CryptoPP::OID curve = CryptoPP::ASN1::secp256r1();
CryptoPP::ECDH<CryptoPP::ECP>::Domain dh(curve);
CryptoPP::DH2 dh2(dh);

//and finally:
dh2.Agree(shared_secret, privKey, ephPrivKey, g_pubKey, g_ephKey, false)

When I use outer keys auto-generated with GenerateKeyPair, I get 
shared_secret, but with Google keys - not. What can it be? Incorrect key 
Google ephemeral is 65-byte length after base64 decoding, but google public 
(from here 
https://payments.developers.google.com/paymentmethodtoken/keys.json) is 
91-byte length. Tryed to use only last 65 - no effect.

Thank you very much!
I hope this post will help anyone wandering around googlePay api.

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