On Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 11:21 AM fa <fery....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> When I try to calculate the Hash of the file with Unicode characters, it 
> shows the following errors:
> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CryptoPP::FileStore::OpenErr'
> what():  FileStore: error opening file for reading: C:/é 
> “/テキストファイル.txt

I believe that's coming from files.cpp and OpenErr,
https://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp/blob/master/files.cpp#L53 .

> I compiled Crypto++ with msys2 [minGW] in windows and use it with Qt.
> I tried many methods that others explained but none of them worked for me. I 
> also use boost::nowide, but nothing changed.

Please provide a minimal example that demonstrates the problem.


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