Thank you for replying. I have started reading the documentation. I'll try
to understand the code and work on the tutorials.


Rohan Sapre

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 11:08 PM, ROHAN SAPRE <>wrote:

> Hie guys!
> I am a 3rd year Information Technology undergrad student. I am interested
> in contributing code to Crystal Space. The work you people do is
> fascinating and interesting. Can someone just give me a brief overview of
> how to proceed ? I can code in C, C++, java and I'm acquainted with python.
> I have learnt Computer Graphics and worked on C++ and Opengl. However, am
> new to game engines, animation, rendering and simulation and would really
> appreciate if someone could give me some help on how to start with these
> topics.
> Thanks.
> Regards
> Rohan Sapre
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