Hello @ll,


just a small szenario:

 - I set mp_buytime to 90 in my server.cfg

 - I keep the 45 seconds for mp_buytime in the gamemodes file.


The first player connects, he now has a buytime of 90 seconds.

A second player connects, but he has a buytime of 45 seconds.


Console says "mp_buytime" is "90".


Why does the second player has a buytime of 45 seconds, even when the console 
cvar is set to 90?

How can two players have a different buytime?

Why I cannot change the buytime for the second player without changing the 
gamemodes and restarting the complete server?


This is so extremly annoying ...

I never can be sure that a cvar is set properly, when my console says something 
while the gameserver is doing complete different stuff.


Isn't it possible to add a priority list?

 - 1. Gameserver starts, load gamemodes.txt

 - 2. Then load gamemodes_server.txt and overwrite current settings

 - 3. Then load server.cfg and overwrite current settings again



The pople who want to use the gamemodes files only are happy then (because 
their server.cfg will stay empty, nothing which gets overwritten).

The people who want to use the cfg files are happy too, because they know, that 
cfg cvars overwrite gamemodes settings.

We don't have any mixed settings anymore.


At the moment it's all just a confusing and annoying mix.

Sorry, the usability is 0, really


- Andreas


PS: Please add at least a console command to refresh the gamemodes file. 
Restarting a server is just a bad solution to change settings.

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