Do keep in mind that if you remove the -nobots parameter, you might get the another bug where in map change, after the next map loads, bots fill the server and people are unable to enter. The bots do leave, but before player enters, another bot takes the bot's place who just left.

This is "rare" bug but common enough that it happened daily for us.


Alex Price kirjoitti:
I have experienced the smoke bug, had many players reporting they could see other players on the radar. I did a bit of research and testing and came to the following conclusion that it was the -nobots launch parameter that is causing it. It has been reported by other members of the community a few times:


Unfortunately the only fix for the time being is to remove the -nobots launch parameter. I have no idea if this only affects one operating system (Only tested on Ubuntu 14.04), but it is worth a try. The only other option is the smoke/radar block entity plugin that Usman mentioned before.

Hope this helps!


Alex Price

On 6 June 2016 at 03:32, ics < <>> wrote:

    This is not the only bug that is years without a fix. Another is,
    if you have mp_halftime 1 enabled on community competitive server,
    it messes up the scoreboard randomly. Either the scoreboard shows
    0-0 scoring or the player names overlap the menu when there are
    more than 5 players in it.

    Expect some things never get fixed, because valve doesn't run
    community servers that have these issues.


    Usman Khan kirjoitti:

        Same bug was reported a year ago with no fix. A person made a
        plugin to fix it but it explains the issue

        On Sun, May 15, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Usman Khan
        < <>
        <>>> wrote:

            In srcds server, enemy players can be seen through smoke
        in radar.
            It is prevalent since the last few updates. How to fix that?

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