They are not interested in the game based on skills. If a company receives
from it a lot of money and enjoy all of the boxes with the skins this is
profit. If the pro-players get ban of "cheating" (I do not speak for those
who really banned) and wave of hype rises, and Valve fix (or create a list
of "pro players"), and you know why? That's right they are not interested
in a departure of players who make the prestige of the game by
participating in different tournaments (and money here in second place).
There are children and others who watch the games, spend money on them,
despite the fact that the company itself puts it all in a "minimum" of
money. So the company is absolutely indifferent to their community, they
have repeatedly demonstrated (skins on the servers, a bunch of other
plugins, tokens) bugs, fix one, get two, profit. Why do server tickrate
128? No, no, no, we'll... here's a new case folks. Why make a official
server in Russia? No, no, no, we will bring here new sounds, they are much
more important than all. I do not want it to, but you just look at the map
of official servers (that's me so a slight digression). Good anti-cheat?
No, no, no, we have made to you view the demo. Let you're just going to
help us ban cheaters, you do not mind your spare time, so we did thing in
which you can spend it. After all, on the fact that the company made from
the global to the game better? New hitboxes, a new rank system (loose one
game = loose the rank, but if you want rank up you need to win 15 games in
a row, and then we will think about this (true story)), and ... oh yeah,
servers in Peru, to community is a very necessary servers in Peru.
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