I believe he did.

This is his command line execution: ./srcds_run -game csgo -usercon
-strictportbind -ip -port 27015 +clientport 27005 +tv_port
27020 +sv_setsteamaccount CENSORED -tickrate 85.3 +servercfgfile
csgo-server.cfg -maxplayers_override 48 +mapgroup mg_custom +game_mode 0
+game_type 0 +host_workshop_collection 706736473 -authkey CENSORED

I think he needs the webapi key.

- Don

On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 8:07 PM, Absurd Minds <goabs...@absurdminds.net>

> Also, did you define a workshop collection id?
> Try following this guide I wrote and see if you notice anything you
> skipped. http://forums.absurdminds.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1726
> On Aug 31, 2016 3:17 AM, "Mishu" <mi...@gameserver-syndicate.de> wrote:
>> Did u create a webapi_authkey.txt in your csgo folder? If not:
>> http://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey
>> Instead of the file u can use this in startline:
>> -authkey thekeyugenerate
>> Am 31. August 2016 07:58:57 schrieb "olek kos" <olo...@wp.pl>:
>>> Dnia Środa, 31 Sierpnia 2016 06:47 olek kos <olo...@wp.pl> napisał(a)
>>> Dnia Wtorek, 30 Sierpnia 2016 13:06 Absurd Minds <
>>> goabs...@absurdminds.net> napisał(a)
>>> Try removing the mapgroup command and see if that works.
>>> On Aug 29, 2016 10:31 PM, "olek kos" <olo...@wp.pl> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I've been trying to host workshop maps and let the clients download
>>>> them directly from the workshop just before connecting to my server, yet it
>>>> doesn't seems to work even though server downloads all subscribed maps in
>>>> the collection.
>>>> I'm currently trying to fix that, but I'm slowly using all hope. As
>>>> soon as I delete a map from my game files and join a server I just get
>>>> message saying:
>>>> Connected to
>>>> Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
>>>> Map: workshop/675035012/surf_rookie
>>>> Players: 2 (1 bots) / 48 humans
>>>> Build: 6494
>>>> Server Number: 11
>>>> SignalXWriteOpportunity(3)
>>>> No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
>>>> Missing map maps\workshop\675035012\surf_rookie.bsp, disconnecting
>>>> Host_Error: Disconnected
>>>> To add to this, my server is not listed as keeping up to date with
>>>> steam workshop.
>>>> Here are my Commandline parameters:
>>>> ./srcds_run -game csgo -usercon -strictportbind -ip -port
>>>> 27015 +clientport 27005 +tv_port 27020 +sv_setsteamaccount CENSORED
>>>> -tickrate 85.3 +servercfgfile csgo-server.cfg -maxplayers_override 48
>>>> +mapgroup mg_custom +game_mode 0 +game_type 0 +host_workshop_collection
>>>> 706736473 -authkey CENSORED
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>>>> Csgo_servers mailing list
>>>> Csgo_servers@list.valvesoftware.com
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>>>  I just tried, but the problem is still here and server is not listed as
>>> hosting workshop maps.
>>> I deeply apologise for sending so many messages, but I have not been
>>> aware of how this email listing works. I am now.
>>> I think I also may have figured out the problem, but I'm not sure how to
>>> fix it.
>>> Maps on my server are displayed in the server browser like so
>>> "/469408544/surf_forbidden_ways"
>>> whereas on servers where workshop maps are displayed properly maps are
>>> displayed as
>>> "workshop/469408544/surf_forbidden_ways"
>>> I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong here.
>>> Again, I'm deeply sorry for my struggle with working with this mailing
>>> list properly.
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>> Csgo_servers mailing list
>> Csgo_servers@list.valvesoftware.com
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